Where no tush has gone before

Armed with pain meds (dulling both my nerves and my brain) I decided it was safe to go back into the water. Put less prosaically, I was way over-due for a shower. I’ve been doing my best at the sink, but it just isn’t the same thing. While painful, the experience of lukewarm water on indescribable tuckus wasn’t as bad as I feared. I strongly suspect that this will change once these blister/vesicles start opening up. I’m surprised some haven’t begun to erupt already; a few are nearly as large as half dollars and are turning an alarming color.

Since I’m technically contagious once these things start opening up, I have been searching for a way to keep them covered once I begin wearing real clothes again tomorrow. There is just no way to tape gauze in place over this area, and I’m not sure I want to anyhow. My single biggest risk now is infection, and I don’t want to create any tidy little incubator spots on my butt for microbes to settle in and start procreating.

The answer came to me this morning as I searched my bathroom for a solution. (Boys: Here comes the share-too-much-part. Either avert your eyes, or don’t claim I didn’t warn you.) I discovered an unopened package of panty liners from long past days when I had to actually worry about such things. They’ll stick to my underwear and not to me (hopefully) which means that I’ll be able to keep any ruptured blisters from leaking through my clothes while keeping the area as open as possible. A win-win situation if I ever heard of one.

So here’s the take home point: Sometimes it pays to hold onto stuff you’ve got no use for.

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  1. Great idea! I used some panty liners in Ellie’s bikini bottoms when she was in heat. Hopefully, I won’t have to do it again b/c she’s scheduled to take a little trip to the vet on Thursday– if she’s not too small. I’ve been really worried about that. I’m not sure she weighs more than four pounds.

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