Survey and Dismay

OK. Since this is shorter than some of the others have been, I’ll do the another survey. I’m a sucker for surveys, it would appear.

1. Open up your CD player. Which CD player? The ones at work and home are empty at the moment. My car CD player is a stackable six, with a Jill Sobele CD in the “play” position at the moment.

2. Look in your VCR/DVD player. That is always empty unless I’m actively watching a movie. The last movie we watched was actually a tape of the “Star Wars Holiday Special”, which I have a hard time believing I paid good money for a copy of.

3. If there happens to be music playing right now, what is it? Some blues by Mississippi John Hurt (not sure of the spelling, might be “Hert”).

4. What are you wearing?: Very faded, stained blue jeans, pullover tan top with v-neck and a collar (very flattering), medic alert bracelet, watch, black docker loafers, the usual under-accoutrements. My job puts me in some very dirty areas, and I can’t get dressed up for it.

5. Look down. What’s the first thing you see? My ID tag for work, which is on a cord around my neck.

6. Turn on your TV if it’s not on already. What network is it?: No TV at work, but if it were turned on at home, it would be tuned to channel 2, which isn’t a network around here, but the channel you need to have it set at to watch DVD’s/videos.

7. Look out the window. What’s the weather like?: Very hazy, blue skies. Hot as hell out there.

8. If you were to hit redial on your phone right now, where would it call?: My work phone doesn’t have a redial, but if it did, it would dial the extension of one of my co-workers.

9. Say “hello?” out loud. Did anyone answer?: No point in even trying. I’m the only one here at the moment.

10. What are you planning on doing next as soon as you get offline?: When I go offline, it will be time to go home. I will open the door to my car, turn the car on with the door still open, turn on the AC, and wait until I can touch the steering wheel before I close the door.

Sister the Elder came over last night. She can’t take the kitten to the vet’s next Wednesday, so I’ll have to figure something else out. I guess the booster shots are going to have to wait until I get back. I’ll call today and see if they can fit her in next Monday after work.

Sister the Elder also mentioned that she’s going to be dining with my ex’s mother Thursday evening. I don’t really care one way or the other; I always liked the ex’s mom and was sorry she took our problems so personally. Big Sis tells me that ex-Mom-in-law was pumping her for information on what went wrong while they were on the phone. She claims that the ex can’t tell her what went wrong. Which translates to me that the ex won’t tell her. Sis told ex-M-i-l that this was going to have to be between her son and her.

I’m surprised how much this bothers me. I’ve assumed that I am persona non-grata over there because of moving in with the Professor so soon after breaking up with the ex, but it could be for any misperception on her part if she hasn’t been told anything. It isn’t my place to have to explain myself, but I’m annoyed the ex hasn’t told her anything. Then again, why should I be surprised? He never told me anything. Worse, maybe it’s true that he can’t tell her. Maybe he doesn’t understand himself. We went over it so many times. Now, after the fact, do I try and talk about it again when next we meet? Or just leave it die? We spent two decades together and he deserves to know why it ended if he truly doesn’t know. But how the hell can he not know?

I have to think this one through.

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One Comment

  1. Thanks for all your help with the site meter!

    About your entry… I don’t know how two people can get divorced without one of them knowing why, but I don’t know you guys or your history or what went on. Still, I would think he’d HAVE to know… but I couldn be wrong. If he DOESN’T know, and wants to, I’d say he certainly should know…. hope that helps 🙂

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