
I’ve come down with a cold. I went to bed with just a wee bit of a scratchy throat, but woke up around two o’clock with the sweats and the swallows. I’m just hoping I’ve caught it early enough to be over it by the twenty-second. I flew when I had a cold early this year, and found out what that ear-pain thing I’ve heard people refer to was all about. At least the last of the bronchitis germs have another virus to keep them company now.

I made a point of making quality time for The Professor last night (before I started feeling sick). We rented a movie (Return of the Mummy)(HIS choice) and watched that, KfH on lap and CW at my feet. The movie was awful, although if you ask The Prof’s opinion, he’d tell you differently. This was my way of making up for next Monday night, when I’m going out to dinner without The Prof.

I’ve been invited to dine with a man who works in our MIS department and his wife. I’ve been on better terms with this coworker than most of the others I work with. We both share an interest in the upcoming Lord of the Rings movie, and he isn’t as vocal relgiously as most I work with. MIS-man gives me head-ups when management is cracking down on “computer abuse” (like posting to diaries at work) and I in turn bake brownies and other bribes for the his department. Being on good terms doesn’t equal real friendship, though – MIS-man knows nothing about The Prof. No one at this company knows anything about The Prof.

It looks as if that is going to have to change, though. I broke it to the Prof I was dining with this couple on Monday, which he didn’t have any problems with. The Prof isn’t a social creature anyhow, and I suspect it was more of a relief than anything that he wasn’t expected to go. Meanwhile, I told my MIS-man that I had a date for “Fellowship of the Rings” next week. I figured I had better bring it up, since he and his wife will be attending the same showing. He said that was great, and then gave me some advice: to take things slowly.

I hate being in this position, but I have only myself to blame. Since the gossip of the moral opportunists over here would be worse if they know about my living arrangement, I’m just going to have to squirm and bear it, I guess.

Meanwhile, I’ve decided on a compromise with the self-portrait:

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  1. I like your hairstyle and color. The picture reminds me of the show "Home Improvement" where the next door neighbor never revealed his entire face…..anyway, thanks for sharing. Maybe I will try going red instead of this dark brown/black with lots and lots of gray….


  2. Slipperman, did I understand you to mean that "Fellowship of the Rings" was a trigger to giving you religious nightmares about your mother? Those Tales from the Darkside of yours are more twisted than I realized … (grin)

  3. yaye, another lord of the rings enthusiast!!! 🙂

    we’re getting pretty excited here in nz about the movie since it’s so much a part of nz, i’m kindof bummed that i fly out on the day the movie opens here :-/

    never mind

    btw, your hair has turned out a lovely colour of red, subtle and shimmering

    very nice :))))

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