Too much to do.

Too little time to do it in. Presents got wrapped last night. Laundry got done. But I didn’t get close to organizing the stuff I need to pack. The pile of bills still stares at me accusingly from my desk. I’m nearly ready for an official panic, except that I’m too busy to find time to panic. I’ll see if I can’t pencil that in for next week.

This evening will be mostly taken up with going to see The Fellowship of the Ring. It’s a bad time for the movie to open, but I just have to go with the flow here. I’ve waited too long for this to miss the opening night.

In other news, the Trolls apparently called a truce with The Professor last night, although I’m not sure why. Part of me is relieved, while another part of me resents having to actually parlay with these creatures. A member of my own forum had the brass garbanzoes to claim that there were those of us who were going to be disappointed with the truce, since it meant we’d no longer have the fun of attempting to hunt down these Trolls, put blocks out up on their IP numbers, and otherwise get a warm, fuzzy feeling at spamming the Trolls’ boards (a relatively recent tactic we employed, upon finding out that the Trolls had their own forum from which they orchestrated their attacks). He claimed he actually found the Trolls’ posts “pathetic, but amusing”.

I have tried to mentally relegate this gentleman to the same dustbin that I commit people who enjoy Howard Stern and other high budget/low intellect forms of entertainment. But I find myself with a much lowered tolerance to this sort of thing. “Freedom of Speech” does not mean that you get to vomit on my living room carpet. These forums are my sanctuary on the internet. They are maintained by friends of mine (and in small part by myself) for our own community. And to have one of the people I help maintain this area for turn around and accuse me of being disappointed by the truce because it means I won’t get to go Troll hunting any more has really rubbed me the wrong way.

I apparently need this vacation badly.

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  1. Don’t let it bug you too much, people are always going to say things. That’s just people.

    Lord of the Rings…i am anticipating this film more than any other i have in a long time. i am hoping to go tonight, but my wife is proving to be difficult to convince…she can be painfully practical and we have shopping to get done. i’m close to pulling my hair out. We’ll see what happens.

  2. ah! the heck with the troll! you’ll be soaking up the sun in cali…

    i have to wonder though, if garbonzo gonads knows who the trolls are..

    you have a wonderful holiday Ms. Salamander.

    ps. i got a baby perugina panettone! too cute to open dammit!(but i will anyhow)


  3. Give us a movie review tomorrow. That is Calvin’s all time favorite book. I hope it is really good.

    Also, I saw a store in Charlotte yesterday that made me think of you. It was called "Salamandra" and the logo was like you background.

  4. I’ve been active on various online forums for a long time, and it always astonishes me how much people enjoy engaging trolls. The most active and lively threads we ever get are all based around troll bashing. They appeal to something in people, it seems. :/ Not me. I like to debate, but I hate to argue. I prefer my life stress-free, and exchanging insults with strangers just has no great appeal. Enjoy your vacation. 🙂

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