Yup, She falls for it again!

LintaSossy had this on her most recent diary entry. I was intrigued. After all, I used to be wicked at Monoploy.

Your score is 30

The most frequently received point is 4 (4/10)

Take the Monopoly Piece Quiz!

I’m afraid it’s the utter truth.

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  1. Have you by chance considered putting all these things in a place where your KfH can’t get at them?

    If you want to hear a kitty horror story, ask franisbueno about her experience with her cat and the venus fly trap.


  2. dang, woman, you just started. and believe me, everyone starts at the same line. it takes some time to get fit, give it time. once you notice the difference, you’ll be too busy working out and feeling good to worry about your age.

  3. I was wondering if you called her KfH at home. She deserves a very unique name. I remember from my vet tech days it seemed owners always used the same old names, such as Goldie for golden retrievers. She is a beautiful shade of gray. I hate thinking up names for animals—I am not very creative. Probably would have named my golden retriever "Goldie" had he been a female.

  4. what a lovely name for kfh. i’m glad she’s growing into a beautiful young lady.

    i looove the treadmill, myself. i don’t see many people my age walking, but it’s great! so much easier on the knees…and with a walkman, it’s heaven.

  5. Wow! Your kitten is very different than any I’ve ever owned. Mine are not like Einstein, Houdini, or Damian. Mine are more like Big Gay Al (South Park) or toddlers who ask lots of questions and do silly things. I’m updating my site now! 🙂

    I have NO idea how to get kitten to behave. I do however know how to break a mean cat’s spirit and make it love you forever. I’ll add that!


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