Regarding the Wheel of Existence

Of all animals, the cat alone attains to the comtemplative life.

He regards the wheel of existence from without, like the Buddha.

Andrew Lang

I suppose I can buy into Andrew Lang’s description of the Cat for part of the time I have difficulty picturing Buddha playing at unrolling the toilet tissue or having conversations with a squirrel though. Cats are only contemplative when they’ve run out of other interesting things to do.

The Clueless alarm went off at 5:55 a.m. this morning, so I now consider him officially over his illness. I’m still keeping my fingers crossed that the other two don’t come down with it, but I’m confident that they’d have shown signs by now if they were going to get sick too. Part of loving something/somebody seems to be constantly worrying a little about them though.

Finished watching “Pi” with the Prof last night. I really love that movie. It has so many different levels to it that you could go crazy trying to unravel it all. Slipperman had called the movie’s score to my attention yesterday, so I paid particular attention to that, as well as playing the music video track after the movie was over. It’s very demanding music; it insists that you listen to it. No feeble background fare, this. Listening to the score independently from watching the movie drove home how much the score augmented the script. I can’t think of another movie where the music and story line were so heavily intertwined and interdependent.

I guess I’m saying in less than a subtle manner that I really like this movie. It isn’t for the faint-hearted though. Its graphical depictions of the experience of migraine headaches are so accurate as to be almost physically painful to watch. The surrealistic movement of the background almost exactly matches what I used to experience before my migraines were brought under control. The high contrast black and white film is also very migraine-like; during migraines I found that bright objects were too bright to directly look at, and the contrasts between bright and dark were every bit as stark during a migraine as in the movie. If I wax poetic about the movie any more I run the risk of spilling some real spoilers, so I’ll cut myself off here.

I actually had a good gym night last night, so far as gym nights go. Which is to say that I was less miserable than usual. I was surprised how busy that place is at 9:00-10:00 p.m. on a weekday though. I couldn’t get anywhere near my preferred exercise bike, and a waiting list formed for my treadmill shortly after I lucked out and grabbed it. Weekends are much more laid back at the gym. Exactly the opposite of what I’d expect.

I got a call from the Zoo last night, just before I left for the gym. They definitely want me back on the Council, AND they don’t see any need for me to go through the course work again. I have to say, I was hardly expecting that. I’ve been away since I started veterinary school, and there have been a lot of changes since then. Still, I suppose I can always audit the coursework as need by to fill in any blanks I have about the new stuff. I’m thrilled to be starting back, and I know The Prof is just as excited for me.

Finally, to no one’s particular surprise:

Second finger eh? The index/main finger, making you the reliable one, the one whom everyone can depend on. Pretty down to earth though sometimes your reliability gets too much for others to bear and they think it’s strange how much you plan.

Which finger are you?
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