Another reason to like cats.

A cat will sit washing his face within two inches of a dog in the most frantic state of barking rage, if the dog be chained.

– Carl van Vechten

I have an ongoing battle concerning the thermostat in my office. To understand my dilemma, you must first understand that my office area is in a small building that is disconnected from the main office area of my company. My domain is small – three offices and a conference room. Until a year or so ago, it was mine exclusively, which made for quiet and productive days. My duties were expanded though, and I was granted a Minion to assist me, who subsequently occupied one of the empty offices next to mine. Then, late last year, my company developed a new position, hired a person for it, and installed her in the other remaining office in my formerly fine and private place. The Mouth, as I may have referred to her once or twice, has a rather disconcerting habit of wandering into my office with the babble switch set to “On” and the content switch set to “Off”. My fine and quiet place was officially no longer fine, nor quiet.

All of which leads back to the Thermostat Wars. The heat pump is located in my office. So is the thermostat for said heat pump. This never used to be a problem. I set the temperature for something comfortable to me, and the world was a nice place in which to live. The Minion is only intermittently in his office, so he has historically had little to say about the thermostat settings. The Mouth, however, is another story.

I fully appreciate that the thermostat must be bumped up or down a bit to compensate for additional bodies in the building. What becomes difficult is the fact that The Mouth likes it frigid in the office, while I like it somewhat warmer. In order to get frigid temperatures in her office, it is necessary for my own office to approach absolute zero. This is emphatically not conducive to productive work habits, although it does lead to increased coffee consumption (it helps warm up the fingers if you have a hot mug to hold). Rgardless, she and I have set up a mutual accomodation where neither of us is truly comfortable, but neither of us is in physical pain either.

The biggest problem however is the aforementioned conference room, located at the opposite end of my small building. It too is dependent upon the heat pump in my office, and heating/cooling that room requires that my office be at an extreme of temperatures. Since the conference room is seldom used, I am of the personal opinion that those occupying it should sit, suffer, get their work done and get back to their own offices (which are far better appointed and comfier than my own). The occupants of the conference room have had differing opinions on this, leading me to the necessity of hiding the key to the thermostat under Dr. Potatohead’s cap. This ensures that the occupants of the conference room ask about resetting the thermostat, and that I get a chance to set it back to a more reasonable setting as soon as possible after they leave.

I discovered two weeks ago that the thermostat mounting was loose, and that the thermostat could be knocked askew on the wall, affecting the settings. I fixed this by setting two thumbtacks under the thermostat to hold it at a level position, and then put a post-it note on the thermostat:

To Whom It May Concern:

The tack pins under the thermostat box are there to keep it level. Please ensure that the termostat is level against these pins when you are done adjusting the settings, or you won’t get the termperature you were aiming for. Thanks. — The Vet

Keep in mind, this is in my office, which should be relatively private anyhow.

Last week I sat shivering at my desk when I noticed that the thermostat appeared to be tilted, even though it was firmly set against the tack pins as I had arranged. I got up to investigate, and discovered that someone had removed the tack pins, tilted the thermostat, and then reinserted the pins at the new, lower position. I removed the tack pins, replaced the box to its proper position, inserted a dozen additional pins and appended a new note to the thermostat:

Message received and the respect accorded me noted.

I’m fairly sure I know who is playing games with the thermostat, and it is neither the Minion nor the Mouth, but rather someone who uses the conference room twice a month for an hour each time. I haven’t decided what temperature the conference room will be the next time they meet, but I have decided that whatever the temperature of the conference room, my office will be comfortable.

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  1. lol…loved the comment of the neighbor where he says…"Hippo manure can smell pretty dang bad"

    ; )

    I don’t know….I guess I’d let him keep it since he’s had it for over a decade and if it was healthy.

    My step-dad used to own a leopard he named ‘Tail’ I’ve never seen it personally, just through photos. It was taken away and put in a NY zoo a couple of years before my mother married him, due to complaints from neighbors. He used to drive around with it in the back of his Rolls Royce.

    When ‘Tail’ died the zoo let my step-father have his fur….which I’ve seen up in the attic.

  2. i have to say that the hippo is cute! at least the animals seem to be well cared for. hope the hippo fairs well in his new surroundings.

  3. Good Gawd!

    I’m trying to figure out if he had enough property to house Miss.Hippo. I take it he must have had a pond.

    I noticed the news said he didn’t have a permit for all the animals he had.

    With 100 pets clean up must be an all day affair.

  4. LOL my mum said "crazy Americans" when she saw the pygmy hippo article. I’m sure she meant "silly Californians" :D. But that hippo is cute, I’d like to have one on my backyard, if I had a backyard.

    Thanks for the words of comfort in my diary. I hope it’s nothing serious. Maybe it is gastritis or however you spelled the word :).

    Have fun at work :).


  5. it’s amazing how critical temperature can be when you’re captive for 8 or more hours a day. i don’t know how you manage with that and babble. i’d need an arsenal of pharmaceuticals, mayself.

    i know boy wouldn’t let me have a hippo. not after this.

  6. I think the whole heating/cooling problem could be solved with a few fans to circulate the air. Point fan towards ceiling and warm air will be forced down.

    Ceiling fans with a forward and reverse flow are nice. Think the big wigs would spring for a few? Might even cut down on energy costs.


  7. Ahh…themostat wars…I know them well. Currently my fingers are freezing and I’m looking foward to taking my lunch in the warm California Sun!!!

    Speaking of California… (shakes her head)…. and to think we all pay ridiculous amounts to purchase homes to live next to people like that! Yes, it is a strange place!!!


  8. Sounds like the thermostat wars we have in my home. Hubby likes it toasty warm (a.k.a. 85 – 90) so he can walk around barefoot in shorts. I like it cooler (a.k.a. 70ish), but still warm so I don’t roast while I’m in the house in normal clothes.


  9. My, the way that the heating system is set up sounds logical. :/

    Leave The Mouth a little hand held fan. :o)

    And, depending on the temperature that the people using the conference room want it to be, leave a note stating that they may purchase a space heater/hand held fan as desired. :o)

    Meanwhile…get a metal cage for the thermostat. :o)

  10. Quite the story on the hippo.

    What are you planning on going back to school to specialize in? And we are going to get older regardless, may as well cram in as much as possible. Good for the neurons.

  11. I think the mouth must be a mutual friend, you know, content to off, babble to on.I just go nuts in the comapny of those type!! LOL

    hEY…..better suggestion, buy a bolt for your door, or remove the knod that changes the settings.Last but not least, move to the southern hemisphere where we dont get your bizzare extremes of temperatures.Just one setting here….hot!!

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