An all ACfH entry.

“There is no snooze button on a cat who wants breakfast.”


There is a reason I selected the above quote for this day’s first entry. Enough said.

Just when I think ACfH is growing up and settling down, she proves she’s still got a significant percentage of kitten left inside of her. The Professor and I watched her teasing the Warrior Princess about a week ago by sneaking up on her underneath the towel that WP was resting on. I’ve been putting towels on the backs of the new sofas because this has proven to be a favored roosting place for our three. While WP was lying there doing her usual glare-at-the-world thing, ACfH discovered she could get her head under the other end of the towel. This lead to the insertion of the remainder of said ACfH under the towel. The resulting lump of cat then proceded to migrate while “hidden” towards the dangerous side of the towel. Warrior Princess took up the game, even though she clearly wasn’t sure what the game was. This is the sort of dinner-time entertainment that television simply cannot compete with.

Next, I started noticing that the mats in the bathroom are lumpifying during the course of the day. I’d come home from work to find a mat folded in two, or laying in a less describable lump in the bathroom. I put this down to the door catching on it, or perhaps the Professor kicking it out of his way for some reason and failing to smooth it out again (poor man – when all else fails, blame the Professor).

I belatedly put two and two together last night when I went into the bedroom to retire for the night. I was tired, and really not paying attention, so when the bedcovers jumped upon my arrival to the bedroom, I jumped too. The lump under the covers proceded to ooze its way to the side of the bed, where a small, grey head popped out from under. I think I woke ACfH up from a sound sleep; she had that silly “no, I wasn’t really sleeping” look on her face that cats sometimes get. She lay there for a few minutes, with her body under the covers and her head just peaking out. melt

Apparently, ACfH has discovered the joys of “underneath”. There’s still a lot of kitten in that little body apparently.

She’s also apparently just discovered one of her Christmas toys. One of The Prof’s aunts gave the cats little pre-packaged cat-stockings. ACfH immediately appropriated the furry mice and the bigger spring-tail mouse that came with the package. She destroyed a pink and white rolley-thingy in it early on. Nobody was interested in the little rawhide dogbone (why would a company put a rawhide dogbone in a cat stocking????). And there was a dirt-ugly hot-pink and neon-yellow sponge mushroom that none of the cats wanted to be seen dead with.

At least, no one wanted to be seen dead with it until last week, when it became ACfH’s fetch-toy of preference. The fuzzy mice (which she has “disappeared” again) and the spring tail mouse are now no longer good enough for her. Fetch must be played, and it must be played with the spongey mushroom. I have to admit that it’s a stitch to see her walking around with that ugly thing dangling out of her mouth. She looks like a refugee from the Sixties.

The Professor has said on multiple occasions that ACfH must be part poodle. She’s making it harder and harder to defend her against such accusations.

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