Work, Kittens, and Idiot Banks.

Another day, another withholding for Uncle Sam. Thank heavens I have to go get my stomach scoped tomorrow. I’m not sure I’d make it through another day at work. I wish there’d been some way to ease into things, but having tomorrow off helps, I guess.

One nice thing did happen. I got a call from the employee who was put on suspension yesterday, thanking me for sticking up for him in the meeting. Perhaps all is not lost afterall. I told him I’d stop over to his area some time next week to review current procedures with him and find a way of working around the problem he’s having that’s both humane to the animals and realistic for him. He seems grateful. So things are salvageable after all there.

Kitten has a new trick, I discovered upon arriving home today. She’d gotten up on the kitchen counter and unrolled the entire roll of paper towels, the little brat. I’d have thought with two other cats to pick on in the house she’d have no excuse for getting bored, but she seems to enjoy creating havok. She has no idea how lucky she is … some cats have to live on a farm, sleeping in the straw and catch mice for a living. All the Kitten seems capable of doing is decapitating bugs. I have no idea why the only part she eats is the head.

Heard from the ex today, who wanted to know how I was making out. He’s somewhere down in Sniperland at the moment on business. I wrote back, reminding him that I’d sent him an email some weeks ago telling him that the stupid bank sent me his bill for his safety deposit box, and that they’d apparently re-added/never removed my name from the box after we both went in and told them to. I have no idea how they got my new address on the bill, when they can’t seem to figure out my new address when they send out stuff from my old account to me. Their intials are “F.U.” for a reason, although “P.U.” would not be inappropriate at times either.

When The Socialist gets home in an hour or so, he’s going to run me over to my older sister’s. She’s going to take me to the hospital for the test tomorrow (I’ll be under anaesthesia, so I’m not allowed to drive afterwards). I’ve still got some stuff to pull together, so I’d best get to it.

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  1. Alright, I got lost with the P.U. – I promise I’m not THAT naive, I’m just ummm…slow at times. 😉

    You’re in my thoughts and prayers today, as you are everyday! Hope all goes well!


  2. And some cats get to puke up mice guts on their owner’s nice carpet.

    Seriously, I will be thinking about you today. I hope all goes well and all these procedures are over soon.

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