A draining experience.

The paracentesis was a bit of a disappointment today – we only got 3.3 liters of fluid out this time. Granted, that was enough to change me from a beached humpback to a beached grey whale, but it’s hard to feel grateful for it. We had a little trouble with bleeding this time too, which is the first time that happened. We got it to stop eventually, but my side is rather sore at the moment because of all the pressure we had to apply. Dr. Liver has reassured me that my liver is probably maxed out on size though, so I shouldn’t be getting much larger under my ribcage. I guess I’ll take what small favors I can.

I wonder if they’ll let me see my liver after they remove it. I’m curious exactly what it’s turned into at this point. I’ll give some thought to asking; I don’t want to gross them out, but it only seems fair that if they get to play with it I ought to at least be able to get to see it. Heck, even car repairmen show you the bad parts they had to take out and replace.

I finally finished the Christmas ornaments I’ve been working on since August tonight. Let’s just say my back was against the wall; the ornament exchange at work is tomorrow. As aggravating as they were to do, they turned out nicely, in my humble opinion. The Socialist wanted me to keep them and get some store-bought ornament for the exchange instead, but too many people at work knew I was working on these and I’d never live it down if I failed to deliver. I told The Socialist we could go to the store and he could pick out any set of ornaments he liked for me to make him. I’m praying he doesn’t choose these – they were a bitch to make once and I wouldn’t look forward to doing a second set.

The ornaments are shown here displayed on my lovely little fiber optic tree. (I feel like I should have Vanna White here posing, pointing at the ornaments on the tree while the glare from her pearly whites makes me reach for my sunglasses.) The Professor has quite taken to the tree as well, and is usually the one to turn it on at night. He really is a big kid at heart. He tries to hide it, but he loves Christmas. His big disappointment of the season was finally tracking down LED Christmas lights, which he was going to string across the entertainment center in the living room, only to have them burn out minutes after he plugged them in. By the way, if anyone knows where to get a string of blue LED Christmas lights, let me know. For some reason, he has his heart set on finding some.

In case anyone is interested, here’s a picture of my BRAND NEW SOUND SYSTEM!!!!!:

On my way home from the hospital today, I ran a few errands. I stopped a dress store I used to love on a whim, and bought a beautiful pastel green, blue and ivory three piece set. It’s the first thing I’ve tried on in months that actually hides my mishapen condition. All I need is a place to wear it. I’ve got to call Dr. Nineteen Cats and make sure we’re still on for New Years Eve. I just wish The Socialist could be there. Even if Dr. Nineteen Cats can’t make it, I’ll go out *somewhere*, even if it’s just to take myself to dinner. I want to go somewhere looking nice and celebrate the past year and the coming year. I have a lot to be grateful for.

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  1. You want to see your liver?!

    After I was diagnosed with melanoma, I went in for surgery and they removed a 1 cm x 1cm x 5 cm (I think) piece of skin around the area and biopsied it to make sure the margins were clear. Later, I read the pathologist’s report. He was describing my skin, saying something like “Tan with evidence of a previous biopsy and various freckles, blah, blah, blah.” I had this picture in my mind of a mad scientist with my piece of flesh in a petri dish, poking at it with instruments!

    I don’t think I’d want that stereo. The constant motion would make me want to barf.

  2. Considering they showed me my gallstones unasked, it seems reasonable that you could see your liver on asking. They offered to let me take those gallstones -home-, for heaven’s sake.

    Those ornaments are beautiful!

    So is the sound system!

    And I bet the outfit is lovely, too. 🙂 Seems to me you could throw a party at your house, all nicely decorated, dressed and serenaded.

  3. We have a fiber optic tree too! And I’m just after putting it way up high on a table to keep the curious kitty away.

    I’ve heard they’ll let you keep the placenta after childbirth, so it’s worth asking about the old liver.

  4. I bet they would show your liver. I requested to see my placenta’s with all birth, I asked them to stretch it out and orient it as to how it was in my body. Geesh, 3.3 liters!!!! Wow.

    Your ornaments are very nice!

    Nice sound system too. I want one.

  5. Your ornaments turned out beautiful! I have enjoyed viewing your pictures this morning and getting caught up on all your entries! Your new diary colors are very soothing. And if you do get a picture of the cats with santa, I hope you post for all to see. *smile*

    Hoping you are having a wonderful weekend!


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