Season’s Wishes

The Socialist is now tucked safely away in California. He called late yesterday afternoon, about three hours after he arrived at his grandparents. He did get a room last night, so he was at least well rested. He planned to meet up with a friend of his last night and go see Two Towers again. I’m jealous, but I can use it as an excuse to take myself to see it another night while he’s gone.

Last night I wrapped the last few gifts that remained naked while watching “Monk”. “Monk” was a repeat, which made it easy to wrap while keeping half an eye on the television at the same time. The O’Beast and Cattitude stayed out of my hair the entire time I was fooling with the wrapping paper, but Kitten made it a point to “help” me while I was cutting the paper to size. I cured her by sticking a bow on the top of her head; after that she was occupied with racing around the apartment in an effort to dislodge the offending accessory while I was able to complete wrapping in peace. She finally conked out (too much excitement, I guess) and I was left with three sleeping cats strewn about the living room.

The big discussion on the local news programs is whether or not we’ll be getting snow on Christmas. If we do get snow, it will be the first time in decades for our area. Since I have to travel very hilly, challenging roads to get to my sisters’ houses, and since we have yet to discover a way to train the snow to stay off the roads, a large part of me hopes that the nay-sayers will win out and we end up with nothing but rain. I’d be lying if I denied that the little kid in my wants a white Christmas, though. I have an offer from the Elder Sister to stay at her house should the weather conditions get bad. That will be an absolute last resort; I do not want my cats going hungry and lonely on Christmas, even if a twelve-hour fast wouldn’t hurt them one bit. ‘Tis not the season to miss out one one’s canned Special Blend Turkey Dinner with real giblets.

But enough about me and mine. I wish for you, my faithful readers, the joy of giving, the delight of surprises, the warmth of family, the contentment of home and the love of a good cat this holiday season. If you are lacking in the good cat department, see me. There’s still time for Santa to work some magic there.

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  1. We always do the cookies Christmas Eve, so they are fresh for Santa and the Mrs. And sure, you can have a whole plate full! Come on over!

    Merry Christmas!


  2. Im so jealous at the idea that you even get snow. Wish we did, instead we die of heat most Xmas Days. Ohhhhh, snow….cant wait till I experience it.

    Merry Xmas my friend.



  3. safe travels, merry xmas, and a happy new year, complete with a full xmas vacation to you, dear pal 8). you’re the best.

    i had the joy of seeing 6 kitties who were very ill with a respiratory tract infection last week but are much better this week. one of them was my dear aidan and he seemed happy to see me and listen to my meow’s monday. it breaks my heart to know all of them would have been put down if they were at the anti-cruelty society 8( the healthy cats were a joy monday, also. dusty curled up in my lap to get at my braids again and vincent ‘oven mits’ (who i hear has been depressed lately) enjoyed using my bent legs as a bridge again. i wonder if they remembered these tricks from last week.

    oh, you can have the snow shipment we suddenly got last night. hope your kitties get their xmas dinner 8)

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