Everything is Ducky.

I glumly related to The Socialist this evening that I realized that the concert date was on a night he was scheduled to teach. He paused and thought a moment and then said, “No it’s not. We have Spring Break that week.”


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  1. You gave me a good laugh. The kitty and the replacement phenomenon. Me too, me too.

    I USED, to be around a dunder head who was forever going on about how tired she was due to all the volunteer time she put in. (She didn’t feel appreciated either, boo hoo hoo) One hour of selling raffle tickets at the door and 6 hours of her griping about how hard she worked.

  2. Maybe you were dreaming you were awake?

    I don’t suppose you could go to see Dar with one of your sisters? Or would that be too much torture?


  3. Maybe you were dreaming you were awake?

    I don’t suppose you could go to see Dar with one of your sisters? Or would that be too much torture?


  4. your workmate sounds entirely obnoxious

    it wouldn’t surprise me if one of the rules of the universe states that in every work place it is compulsory to have such a person as the Mouth. we have a few of those people here, one in particular is notoriously difficult to work with. this person makes tidal waves if they do not get their own way all of the time

    as for your liver transplant, not something necessarily easy to face but you sound like you are taking it all in stride. that’s really commendable, good for you

    thanks for the comments. it makes one wonder how self-involved 2 people can be to have a wednesday wedding hundreds of miles from home!

    take care 🙂


  5. I’d go to see DW with you to brighten up an already bright event. I’m far from everybody, now! Well, I’m close to Tex and that makes up for the rest ;o)

    – How is it that I can be insomniac and wide-awake at 6:00 a.m. only to be jolted out of a deep sleep at 6:30 a.m. by my alarm clock?

    A: You relax when you know the nights almost over, and fall asleep.

    – Why is the Kitten’s favorite place to sleep while I’m at the computer directly behind the wheels of my chair?

    A: Because that’s where she finally gets exhausted after doing all that stuff behind your back

    – How do the disc jockeys know how to time things so that the first thing I hear when I turn on the radio is the last ten seconds of my favorite song?

    A: It’s taught in 400 level DJ courses at their secret DJ university

    – Why is Cattitude’s affection for any given food item in direct proportion to the likelihood it will make her throw up?

    A: It’s part of their charm

    – Is it a requirement that I will only be able to figure out where I put some pricey item after I’ve gone out and purchased a replacement for it?

    A: It’s not a requirement, but it is a "suggestion"

    – What cosmic karma ensures that my Mr. Coffee at work will die the final death five seconds after the onset of my most intense caffeine craving in months?

    A: The warranty just expired

  6. LOL at Shay’s answers.

    Glad you and the Socialist get to enjoy the concert together after all. Spring break for us is this week.

    Shame, shame, shame on your coworker. Hope you don’t catch her cold. Let me see her vocal cords, I only need one more intubation. 😉

  7. You know, it is not possible at all to buy any Dar Williams CD’s here. I asked at a music shop and they wanted about a extra $30.00 ($15USA) on top of the overinflated price, to have one sent out!!

    Its pathetic, cos the words of her songs and the little I have heard on the net is awesome.

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