Wrong time zone.

*sigh* I keep forgetting that this site works on Greenwich Time. I forget that when I make evening entries tomorrow’s date comes up. The entry before this should have been dated for the seventh, but it appears I messed up yet again. You’d think after two years I’d get the hang of this, but apprently the learning curve is steep on this one.

In the category of “Everybody’s a Critic”, The Socialist complained to me over dinner today that I keep leaving things out of my diary. The implication was that I do it on purpose. Latest case in point was the Hose Aneurism Accident over the weekend. I honestly just forgot to write about it, but since this was apparently an important event in his life I now belatedly chronicle the events as I remember them.

It started late last week when The Socialist observed that his beloved hose was apparently bulging in two separate places, and he was worried about how much longer it would hold together. We discussed various options of shoring up the weak spots, including what I thought was a pretty good idea of simply wrapping the suspicious areas in duct tape (duct tape is the universal band-aid for all inanimate objects, as a certain driver of the Duct-tapemobile can attest to).

Friday afternoon (Independence Day) The Socialist decided that the time was ideal to wash the car. Again. I lathered up in my Bullfrog 36 sunblock, Blistix 35 sunblock lip balm, and wide-brimmed hat to sit in the shade and watch. Yeah, I know, but my amusements are limited in the apartment at the moment. I went outside while The Socialist went upstairs to turn on the shower (if that doesn’t make any sense, give a quick glance at March 20, 2003’s entry, and all will be explained). He came out the door shortly after I did, and as I was getting ready to settle into my nice plastic lawn chair I asked him, “So where are these fabled aneurisms in the hose, anyhow?”

Half a second later the hose exploded at our feet. It’s the first time I’ve run since the surgery. The Socialist ran back upstairs and shut off the shower. And we made a run to the local do-it-yourself mega-mart, arguing all the way as to whether or not it would be open on the Fourth of July (I won, by the way; it was open). And we purchased a new heavy duty hose to replace the one that ruptured on such a timely basis.

Today’s visit to have blood drawn was relatively uneventful, save that they didn’t have me in the system as coming in for some reason. That’s the second time it happened, and I suspect I know what the problem is, though not how to fix it. There’s a new guy at the desk making appointments, and while he’s good at getting the doctor part of it in the system, I think he keeps forgetting about the bloodwork part. I should hear tomorrow how I’m doing. Keep your fingers crossed that they’ll reduce the Prograf again, so I stop shaking like a chihuahua on uppers.

There’s a great new and used CD and DVD store just down the street from me. I am incapable of simply going in to browse at this place. Indeed, I have yet to escape with less than $50 damage to my Visa card. Tonight I got it in my head that I had to stop by this store, mostly because The Socialist had gone to it earlier which reminded me of the place’s existence. I found a gorgeous used box set of Babylon 5’s first season for just over half-price of the new set. So far as I’m concerned, a used CD/DVD is every bit as good as a new CD/DVD. And Babylon 5 is arguably the single best science fiction show ever to grace the airwaves. How could I resist? I couldn’t resist. I didn’t resist. Babylon 5 first season is now mine all mine. I’ll do some shopping around for a used second season while I watch the first. There is joy in my heart.

Just to make sure I spent over fifty dollars, a used copy of “Television’s Greatest Hits” also jumped into my hands. I used to have a copy of this on vinyl, but the ex got custody of that and about fifty other really cool hard-to-find albums. Most of those I never expect to see again, but I’ve got my sixties and seventies television themes back!

There are gems on this CD I’d forgotten were there. Recall me mentioning Fireball XL-5 in my last entry? The theme is there. And I still remember the lyrics after f*cough*y years. And the Captain Kangaroo theme is there! Branded, F-Troop, Lost in Space (although they used the second year theme, and the first year theme was infinitely better), Secret Agent Man, Mannix, Patty Duke Show … they’re all there!!!!!! I am wallowing in media-nostalgia tonight. Pity the Socialist, as I’m going to make him listen to all my favorites when he gets home from the gym. I’m willing to bet he’s only ever heard of a handful of these songs. I’ll be genuinely shocked if he knows Magilla Gorilla, Dobie Gillis, or The Rifleman.

OMG … The Man from U.N.C.L.E. theme! This is so cool.

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  1. Well they sure produced some weird "hero" names back in the dark ages *sniggers*. Underdog??? Astroboy??? Captain whatever he was called!! LOL

    A doctor with a toupe?? People actually wear those things??? OM!!!!

    I am not sure what the car is you went for a ride in, but it sounds like something I could cope with heh heh.



  2. Well they sure produced some weird "hero" names back in the dark ages *sniggers*. Underdog??? Astroboy??? Captain whatever he was called!! LOL

    A doctor with a toupe?? People actually wear those things??? OM!!!!

    I am not sure what the car is you went for a ride in, but it sounds like something I could cope with heh heh.



  3. Well they sure produced some weird "hero" names back in the dark ages *sniggers*. Underdog??? Astroboy??? Captain whatever he was called!! LOL

    A doctor with a toupe?? People actually wear those things??? OM!!!!

    I am not sure what the car is you went for a ride in, but it sounds like something I could cope with heh heh.



  4. P~

    LOL @ CK and Toupee! Uh uh there is a dead animal sitting on your head, Dr Heart….* gigglies*

    Underdog – I remembered that but I don’t even understand what they were talking about… so I guess I liked to watch their actions. Eh?

    Hugs, AO

  5. I miss Roger Ramjet, Mighty Mouse, and Penelope Pitstop. Scooby Doo was my favorite until they started throwing in his relatives!

    Hopefully things will slow down a bit for you in the cardiac arena. Just think slow thoughts!


  6. LOL @ *think slow thoughts* that is just too funny! We used to have a local kid’s show on with the weatherman as a clown, Roundhouse Ron. He had a sidekick that became rather famous. Remember the giant with the steel teeth in a James Bond movie, he was called Jaws? That was him, LOL!!! California State Senator Stan Statham was the news anchor on that same station at the time.


  7. I recently upgraded my Windows Media Player to the newest version. While playing audio its screen shows these trippy, psychedelic patterns. It went oddly well with your recording of "Underdog".

    I was particularly fond of a kids’ show called "Wonderama" that aired in NY and DC in the early ’70s. It was sort of a combination of a kid’s game show, interspersed with skits and cartoons, I think. After I moved away from DC, I asked people in Texas for years if they’d heard of it, and no one had. Finally, I met Shay who’d grown up with the NY TV stations, and I was so thrilled that someone remembered it besides me. If I hadn’t already figured it out, I would have known right then that this was the man for me!

    There was also a local TV show hosted by a forest ranger. Ranger Hal, I think? I’m not sure if he was a real ranger or just an actor. I think he brought animals on to the show. It was a little sad when my parents sent me an article about him when he passed away a few years ago.

    On the not-quite-as-obscure front, I also remember "The Bugaloos" fondly.

  8. i remember watching underdog! i liked spiderman, popeye, felix the cat, scooby doo and that show with the wacky racers…i loved how muttly used to laugh. there was also one cartoon that i liked that had a colonial ghost who used to carry a cat on his 3 pointed hat…i can’t remember the name of it…

    on a more serious note, i hope they get the tachycardia under control and find out what’s causing it.

  9. Nooooo! Don’t let all the cool ammenities win you over! Minivans are traffic hazards. They block the view of the people behind them and should have to wear a big sign that says Slow Moving Wide Load. At least those on the Turnpike when it’s time for me to go home.

  10. I offered that link only in the interest of proving your claim. 🙂

    More entertaining links:

    http://www.thunderbirdsonline.com/site/ (unrelated to the movie, but fun)

    IMDB has the current cast: http://us.imdb.com/Title?0167456 (Yes, that’s Bill Paxton. And Ben Kingsley.)

    Jonathan Frakes’ official web site does, too, and promises up-to-date info as it comes in: http://www.jonathanfrakes.net/news.html

    We’re all very excited in these parts. 🙂

  11. I remember all of those shows!

    I hope whoever hasn’t seen the pictures of how you run the hose to your car checks out the pictures.

    You have been sounding more and more like your old self and it is wonderful to see.

  12. Hmmm…strange Hebrew text as a background. If it was clearer and larger, I might even be able to to figure it out.

    Tee hee. We’ve got similar tastes, kid.

    And…yes…I have a tape set of TV toons around somewhere. I loved that set of tapes. I even made a custom mix of TV Sci Fi themes and such (Battlestar Galatica, B5, etc.)

    I was always an Underdog geek growing up. "Have no fear! Underdog is here!"

    Now, forget Scooby Doo. Underdog deserves a live-action version!

    Oh yeah…I plan to be the Shore Leave convention in Baltimore on Sunday. Not sure, but I may be the guy with the black yamulke, white shirt and black pants (there is a recent photo in my diary somewhere).

    Looking forward especially to Peter David’s hammy new play on Sun. night. He often comes down to Shore Leave and such, since he’s nearby. I love his books. Thinking aboutn trying to get him to sign a copy of "Sir Apropos of Nothing" for S. as a gift to her and her husband.


  13. Ah, well you should have been at my house for the lively Jetson’s debate last night. We had to get online to see how the song went. LOL!!

    And I know that Sponge Bob is everywhere and overdone but I tell you I love that darn cartoon! You have some spare time on your hands I hear, you may want to give it a try.


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