Even when the day has gone all wrong …

sometimes it ends all right.

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  1. Glad to hear of the fleeting nature of your ill feelings. It must have been something in the air. Even the dog next door shut up for the evening news and he can usally be counted on to bark through the night.

  2. I think your employer suffer from mob mentality. Calvin business is like that over United Way. For alot of reasons Calvin won’t contribute and has refused for 17 years now. But each year they ask him to "just donate $1 a pay period so we can be 100%". Of course the $1 wouldn’t be missed by us, but it is the principle.

    Arrrgggh,,,thing like that urk me.

    Sorry you are having a hard day.

  3. Regardless of what is happening in your life, you remain in generally good spirits. I have a lot of admiration for that.

    Thanks for the info on that "Chinese curse"… It’s always been a favorite line of mine… even it isn’t Chinese.

    ; )

  4. i’m glad you found a way to stick to your principles. hope the "work stuff" clears up and that the headache takes a wrong turn and floats somewhere else (far from you!)

  5. Maybe by the time you arrive home tonight the Socialist will "be over" whatever stranded him. 😉

    Great idea mispelling your last name!

    You have reminded me, I need to make a dentist appointment for me and an ortho for Brice. I have been putting it off all week. I’m gonna make myself get up and do it right now.

  6. Yeah, you gotta change. I wasn’t too happy about it either (look how long it took to master the idea behind the images editor!), but look at it this way:

    Maybe you can go back to your Salamander design, or you can make a whole new one, too. A chance to make a change is at hand.

  7. Yes, we put a sign up for Marvin yesterday at Fred Meyers, besides our store. Marvin is the stray that moved in, KfH’s counterpart (aka KfH2) is Ashley’s kitten, Jinco. He is a sweetie, he is not chewing on bags like Marvin is. He tried it again this afternoon when I uncovered the bags to grab one for a customer, I came back in and he was sniffing around, looking for a place to dig in. Stinker.

    The doctor mentioned that Ash needs to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day to keep flushing her kidneys out, which she has been doing. I would gladly let her stay home, but she has tests tomorrow and wants to go. I am a bit concerned it travelled to her kidneys (she only had pain on the right side). I told her she should have said something sooner, but she figured she pulled a muscle and the painful urination would pass. Now she knows.

    So, did the Socialist find his way home?

  8. I found the links very interesting. And found another link – from Stephen DeLong again – ‘May you live in Interneting Times’. Hope you are feeling better. I sympathise with you having to sign something you don’t feel happy about. An awkward situation. Regards, Thubten

  9. Sorry you had such an awful day. If it’s any comfort (in the line of misery loving company) I had a horrible day, too. I intend to go to bed and snuggle my Kitten as soon as I write about today’s events.


  10. That is one happy looking kitty. Things can’t be all bad if you have something so cute and cuddly waiting for you at home.

    I don’t know what it is with all these cat photos. It seems like further proof they’re slowly taking over the world!

  11. Interesting Times is interesting reading. The misspelling of your name–how passive aggressive of you. 🙂 I love it. Sometimes you have to cave, but the small gestures do help.

  12. ahhh, another advantage to having an unspellable and unpronouncible (are those even words?) name. Before this entry I only thought it was helpful in weeding out sales calls from personal calls and sorting junk mail.

    Did you know you can track who has sold your name simply by following the miss-spelling? It’s become quite an interesting sport in our house.

    I’m glad you’re feeling better and am quite honored by your compliment about my dishes. Perhaps we’ll have a virtual dinner party and book club.


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