Setting up the Patsy

Another day, another can of worms for this bird. This is definitely not my idea of a balanced, steady diet.

I got some information yesterday on one of the situations that had developed between my company and a veterinarian we call in to do outside work. Frankly, the field report read as though he’d made a difficult, but reasonable call. I sent an email to the guy in charge of this area of our company, basically letting him know I’d gotten a copy of the field investigation and that I couldn’t fault the steps taken. An excerpt of the response waiting for me this morning:

The issue I have with ******* [taking this action] is that he did it without consulting us and letting us make the decision. We have had several similar situations like this happen since we have taken over and just want to make sure that the Vets that work with our system understand who is ultimately in control.(bolding mine)

Things become somewhat clearer. OK, the vet should have consulted us. I didn’t know he hadn’t. But there’s no way in Hades that Corporate should have been allowed to make this decision. There are certain obligations veterinarians have, and clients/owners simply can’t make certain calls, especially when they potentially involve others as well.

The new regime is apparently looking for a vet who will take orders. Someone who will do as told. No wonder they want to set me up for this position. I have no experience, so I’ll be dependent on them for help. I am so screwed.

I need this job. I need this income. I need these benefits. Damn this liver anyhow. I could be out of here no problem if it wasn’t for that. I am so screwed.

I actually think I’m hoping that this morning’s bloodwork shows I’m in early stage kidney failure. It’s the only way I see out of this mess; get too sick to do it.


I released five books into the wild this morning. May they have a better day than I seem to be intended for.

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  1. Darn girl. Can you start looking for a new job maybe? Between doctors visits? 😉

    I have to say it doesn’t sound like your company is doing anything the rest aren’t doing in looking for someone who will simply do as told, no matter what. I’m not one of those, they found out quickly enough, but we have several Patsies here so it’s ok. lol!

  2. I don’t suppose you could nose around to see if there are any teaching positions you could get in to? Or other positions that wouldn’t put you in the position that required you to be a "Yes" man?


  3. *sigh* Corporate America, gotta hate it. And they do truly have you over a barrell with the benefits. I hope it all works out without too much stress for you *crosses fingers*

  4. Don’t you dare wish for kidney failure!

    How can a non-vet have control?

    You know, this is not the same but sort of: My fire chief is below my level of training, but he calls the shots right now. So while I may be the paramedic, he is ultimately in control.

  5. The picture is from Kate & Leopold, where Hugh plays the Duke of Albany "Leopold Alexis Elijah Walker Gareth Thomas Mountbatten".

    I highly recommend renting the DVD, in the deleted scenes Hugh is in a bathtub.

    Time for a cold shower again…


  6. Shhhhh…the identitty of the great pumpkin is a secret.

    Sometimes the choices we have aren’t that good. Maybe it will work out better that you fear

  7. Good luck with the releases and with the job. Perhaps you can start looking for a more appetizing field of worms while flying under the tutelage of the….


    Put out your resume–or at least some feelers–while you play corporate yes-girl. Then you can scram and leave the job to somebody else.

  8. I think maybe the system has gone all wonky. I can’t find anything in my settings that would trigger the update message.

    I will, however, re-check it after I’ve had some caffeine as I’m still a bit fuzzy this morning.


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