Snow Globe Day

My office smells like daffodils. That helps, a little bit.

We got snow last night, lots of last-day-of-winter snow. It was still falling when I left for work this morning in big, fat splat-flakes that looked artificial. Perhaps it’s the late date of this snowfall, or maybe everybody is just tired and ready to give up, but the normally busy roads that I take to work were empty this morning, as most of my compatriots elected to stay in bed and wait for spring. My trusty Prius and I drove to work in a little solitary snow globe world and, for half an hour or so, I just basked in the surreality of driving to work faster in a major snowfall than I ever could on a clear day with fair-weather drivers getting in my way and in my face. It’s hours later now, and the day has warmed up, and most of last night’s four or five inches of snowfall is already gone.

Today is the second full day off of the steroids. The pain is back. It started again this afternoon. It sure didn’t take long. I’ve got painkillers I can take at night, though, and this time I intend to tough it out for a bit. Easy exercise (as shown in physical therapy), and a little babying should do me a lot better than prednisone can at this point. It hurts to type, it hurts to work, it hurts to find a position to sit in. I had hoped I’d left this behind me. I’m feeling sorry for myself.

I write too much and say too little.

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  1. great and accurate title! it was exactly like that. beautiful morning, but i think we’re all ready for some warmth and greenery.

    here’s to friday, painkillers and daffodils.

  2. Traffic.

    I will never get used to it.

    I grew up riding my bike down the center line of our highway. We only got out of the way for the logging trucks once in a while. I will never get used to traffic…. ever.

    Give me the snow globe road any day. 🙂

    Sorry you are feeling poorly.

  3. Ahhhhhh, crap. I had hoped that by the time you came off of the pred. things would be better. As someone who has suffered through disk problems, I feel for you.

    This is probably a stupid question, but have you been alternating hot and cold compressed on the area? I know that helps me quite a lot.

  4. The catch is on their end, really. This allows then to come onto my property without me shooting them for tresspassing.

    *sits on front porch in my boxer shorts, wife beater t-shirt, jug of moonshine and ratty terrier at my side*

  5. ok, I lied, I will sit on my front porch in my favorite CK robe, acceptible slippers, ratty terrier and Smith & Wesson at my side. The moonshine doesn’t sound like a bad idea though as it would probably improve my aim.

  6. LOL, we aint had snow for a few weeks, but everytime it does fall, i am usually sleeping through it. I truged out when it was all slushy once to the News Shop just to get the TV Book, and the shop was shut for lunch- the Cheek!

    I hope you are well,


  7. Wonderful description. i love that snow globe visual.

    "write too much and say too little" – i think we have all felt that way at some point. Don’t be so hard on yourself. i have always found your diary both informative and interesting. Just be you, nothing else matters…

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