Fleetwood Mac Lyrics

Close your, close your, close your eyes
No more broken hearts
We’re better off apart
Let’s give it a try

from Little Lies
– Fleetwood Mac

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  1. Ahhhhhh, whining is quite an effective tool to get men to do what we want. I use it as frequently as possible!!

    Aren’t cats tricky ones? I am telling you, if they had thumbs, they would take over the world!

  2. Heh, cats are really sneaky! Mine have noticed that if they make a lot of noise when I get back from dropping Jenna off to school, they have a chance of tricking me into giving them breakfast twice. I have fallen for that one once or twice.

    They managed to trick Steve as well. I had fed them before I left, and Steve fed them again while I was out. He was a bit surprised they werent hogging it… we soon found out why!

    I dread to think what they could do, if they learned to use the phone….


  3. aren’t they something? one of my kitkats thinks the placemats are her personal yoga mats…

    never underestimate a cat’s ability to dupe you into feeding them again.

    hope that stuff works to get rid of the scratch.

  4. Someone needs to invent timed feeders. Containers hovering over a bowl that at set times during the day dispenses a certain amount of food. Our job would be just to be sure every few days that there was food in the container to be distributed.

    I was always lucky in the few cats I have owned were self feeders. I would fill their bowl in the morning and they would just occasionally graze all day long. One bowl typically lasted 15 hours. I’m not sure if the most recent cat was naturally thin, or if playing with the Danes kept her fit & trim. When she was in a room, no tail was safe.


  5. Looking at W.P. in that picture, I wouldn’t be surprise if she did learn to put the scoop away you know.

    That piece of lyric. It’s so small but has such a sad feel to it. What could be worse than hearing those words from somebody you still love.

  6. Ok, let me stick my hat in the ring. I did not comment on the pledge thing because, as with you, I try not to be terribly political or religious here.

    Part of the founding of this country was on religious freedom. I think this includes the freedom of LACK of religion.

    In the old countries, so many evils were perpetrated in the name of religion. The Spanish Inquisition. The wars in England and Ireland. The breaking of royal families over such issues. The Cold War. The middle east. Israel.

    I have always said that we all pray to the same God. If you wish not to pray to or pledge to any God that is entirely your right.

    I am not sure what to do about the pledge issue. I have always had a "shut-up-and-say-it" attitude but you have made me think more deeply on the issue.

    I am not sure what the answer is but if you wish not to pledge to God, that is entirely your right and I will respect it in the same way that I respect my Catholic neighbor, my Jewish neighbor, my Muslim neighbor.

    Good for you for standing up for what you believe in. It is hard to do that these when God and country are touted everywhere. I find most of that hypocrytical.

    Ok, I think I am done now.

  7. Your entry was not the reason for my rant.

    Nor was it at all personal to you.

    It was from listening to talk radio, reading the newspaper, watching the news and hearing people talk about the subject at the gym…. I just decided it was my turn to say what I felt too! 🙂

    Part of my frustration with the way things are going in this country right now, is that the courts are deciding things that the People and Congress should be. I feel so often that my voice is not heard. Grrrrr…..

    While I may disagree with you on this subject, I will defend to my last breath your right to speak your mind also!

    Huzzah for America!

  8. Being one to read lots of meaning, I’m glad you had included the statement "He’s a good man" in the entry before the song lyrics. Elsewise, I’d probably be very alarmed, instead of just somewhat. It doesn’t sound like a happy mindset, whatever you have in mind. 🙁

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