Things Progress

Last year, when The Sisters planted my garden for me while I was recuperating, they planted three plants that never bloomed. My younger sister couldn’t remember what these plants were, but I was told to leave them be, and that they’d bloom the second year. Well, all three plants are back, and two of them are growing like weeds. The third one was the one that the workmen uprooted when they paved over my enclosed garden area, and while it looks healthy enough, it’s lagging behind the rest. There are still no signs of blooms yet on any of the three plants. And I’m nowhere closer to figuring out what the blue blazes these things are supposed to be.

The Mystery Plant

If any of the plant-savvy among you out there has a clue, I’d appreciate your input.

We have a three-bedroom apartment. The biggest of the three is being used as our master bedroom. The mid-sized room is The Socialist’s study, and doubles as our guest room. The smallest is my study/catastrophe area. The window in my room overlooks the parking lot, and gives a great view of the roofs of The Socialist’s and my car. It also gives the cats a great view of what’s going on out there. They keep an eye on the kids who play in the lot, on The Socialist as he perpetually cleans and polishes his Matrix, and on the neighbor’s cats. This last activity has come to be known as “Taco Watch”. I’m not entirely sure what two of our three wimps would actually do if they encountered Taco face-to-face, with no intervening glass to defend them. I’m all too sure of what Warrior Princess would do, given half a chance, however. Interestingly enough, the Warrior Princess probably spends the least amount of time on “Taco Watch”. Perhaps that’s because she doesn’t feel that she’s got anything to fear or prove.

Taco Watch while supervising the car wash

Taco is a cat that could care less about how the world perceives him. He’s not out to make friends, and the extent of his desire to influence others is to get his owners to occasionally open the door to let him in or out (depending on which side of the door he’s on when he’s asking). This is in stark contrast to his apartment mate, FluffButt, whose picture appears in the dictionary under the compound word “attention-whore”. Taco is remarkably patch-worked in black and white. Note the white tip to his tail; that really is there, and not just an artifact of the lighting.

Taco on the Move

I’ve heard back from the local no-kill shelter that I want to volunteer for. I’ll be helping them in a couple of weeks at a fund-raising event they’re doing, and I’ll talk to them about what other help they could use at that time.

I got confirmation that I’m in the writing course I applied for. It doesn’t start until June 8th, but it’s something to look forward to. I’ll have a chance to hunt down some of my older manuscript that I haven’t looked at for years and decide if any of it is salvageable, or if I even want to try and salvage any of it.

Today was my last physical therapy session (unless something starts to flare up again). I’ll miss Adonis a bit, but I welcome the hour additional sleep-in time that I’ll be getting back on PT days. I’ve been given follow-up exercises for strengthening my back and neck. I’ll have to show those to The Socialist, so he can nudge me once in a while and keep me honest about doing them.

The Socialist and I are making plans to get away over Memorial Day weekend, to celebrate the one-year anniversary of my transplant. I need to start cracking on that, since reservations may be difficult to get for the holiday weekend.

Things progress.

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  1. Gosh, sorry, I don’t recognize that plant.

    And I was SO ready to identify a mystery plant!

    It will help of course when it blooms. Then it will be a mystery plant with flowers on it!

  2. It is hard to tell without the flowers, but it could be an Echinacea (common name, Purple Cone Flower).

    I was looking at the leaves of mine and they are quite similar.

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