Check-ups, Errands and Butts

My last visit for a check up at the transplant center was January sixth. They decided then that they didn’t need to see me for four months, and scheduled me for an appointment on May fourth (next Tuesday). It would have served as a one-year check up as well. Note that by the use of perfect conditional working I’m signaling that all is not as it should be.

The nice people at the transplant center called my home yesterday afternoon (even though they have my work number and have been told multiple times they should call me there during the day). They explained that they didn’t need to see me next Tuesday, and set up a new appointment for me to come in sometime in July.

Excuuuuse me? I’m not even a year post-transplant yet, and they don’t want to see me for six months? For some reason this makes me uncomfortable. I feel really guilty for complaining about the people who saved my life, but what gives with this? I guess I should be grateful that I’m not losing any time at work, but I have to say, this is not what I was expecting for the first year post-transplant follow-up.

Since they have (yet again) failed to give me any guidance regarding when I need to get bloodwork done, I’ll need to call them back. I’d intended to do it today, but I forgot to bring the name and number of the girl who called with the message, so it’ll have to keep until tomorrow. Judging from their actions, there’s no rush anyhow.

Other than a few items I need to attend to, today has once again fallen into the same-old/same-old routine. I do need to remember to stop at the Real Veterinarian’s tonight on the way home to get a refill on Clueless’ heart medication. I could only wish that my drugs were so cheap – and HE doesn’t even have a prescription drug plan! I also discovered last night that we were nearly out of bleach, and probably ought to do something about rectifying that situation before the weekend. I’d also like to try to fit a visit to the gym in this evening some time. If I’ve reactivated the membership I ought to damn well use it, or I’m just wasting my money.

Skater Boy next door has once again taken to throwing his cigarette butts into my garden. I note that his mother, Blondie, hasn’t done anything with their garden yet, and wonder why he can’t just use his own garden area as his own personal ashtray. Nearly everyday when I get home I have to pick a butt (sometimes two) out of my garden, which I then toss into their garden. I’ll be damned if I go to any more trouble to disposing of his butts than he goes to to dispose of his butts.

Further proof that kids his age shouldn’t be smoking anyhow. They aren’t responsible enough to even clean up after themselves.

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  1. Butt, butt, it’s a free country! Right?

    Teenagers should be dropped off on remote islands for about a year with nothing but a set of encyclopedias. . . And maybe a hatchet. The world would look a lot different to them after that don’t you think.

    ( I would have included my OWN teenagers in this arrangement) !

  2. Mating Mints.

    This is an idea I would like to encourage.

    As long as I get to eat the offspring.

    Wait a minute, that didn’t sound too good….

  3. i think cigarette smokers, in general, believe it’s okay to drop the butts wherever they are: entrance ways, busstops, you name it…is there an unspoken rule that butts aren’t really garbage?


    can’t believe how casual they’re being about your check-ups… let’s hope someone becomes a little more aware of your concerns.

  4. You seem to be polite about the cigarette butt thing. I would be thinking up a more colorful way as to get my point across about not flinging butts in my yard.

    Well have a great day!


  5. I think it is time to use that imagination and come up with a retaliation re the butt’s !!

    Wow…. they cancelled the appointment? That seems so not on!!!

    By the way…. I am not receiving any notification for this entry, as well as last I think it was.

  6. From yesterday’s paper. One way to handle the cigarette butt issue – not one I’d recommend, but it’d be nice to think Mr Beemer felt guilty:

    "Saw a man sitting in a silver BMW at the Northwestern motorway/Nelson St lights yesterday drop his cigarette butt out the window. Thirty seconds later a guy in the van behind hops out, goes across and picks it up, says to the gobsmacked and no doubt confused/embarrassed driver "don’t worry, I’ll put it in the bin", and hops back in his van – a Greenie out to save the planet or just a concerned citizen worried about the aforesaid BMW owner cruising his yacht on the weekend and being offended by all the pollution floating in the harbour?"

    It’s actually an issue here. When smoking becomes illegal in all enclosed workspaces later this year (including restaurants and bars), the amount of butts dropped on the pavement outside bars is likely to increase hugely. And they all get washed into the harbour. Yuck.

    "The Hobbit" was at hand because it’s currently the Reading Room discussion book on another web site. I’ve been pleasantly surprised at how much there is to discuss about this apparently simple little story. Joyce’s was the next closest book 🙂

  7. i usually tell people to listen to the experts, but i can’t blame you for being uneasy about the check up. i know i would be.

    Smokers… i agree with franny about them thinking it is okay to drop them anywhere. It infuriates me. O’Neill used to do that and rationalize with the being biodegradable. AARGH!!!

  8. The picture is from Kate & Leopold, a scene where he is selecting flowers to apologize to Kate. When you mentioned it, I saw what you pointed out. When I normally see the picture I see the scene from the movie.


  9. Duke stopped doing my MRIs about a year after my brain surgery. They had told me I would need annual MRIs for five years and then one every five years for the rest of my life. Guess they changed their minds…..

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