My day to forget.

I got an email yesterday afternoon announcing that Dar Williams was giving a concert in the area on December 4th (Saturday) at 8:00. I immediately bought two tickets by email. I guess I should have told the Socialist about that, too.

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  1. Yay!!! A home for Dekyi!!! I’m sure she’ll love it. It’s so funny you mentioning about the socialist wanting to talk while you want to sleep. That happens between me and my husband all the time, except I’m usually the one wanting to talk while he sleeps. I think he gets a little annoyed at me. Oh well.

    Hope your friday goes well!


  2. great news about Ms. Deyki! 2 big cats to boss around…

    i’d say you have friday night dinner conversation pretty much covered.


  3. Congrats on the job offer. Seems you have a big decision to make. It’s sometimes a little scary changing jobs. I know that you will weigh all of the pros and cons and then make the decision that is best for you. Lots of luck!

  4. Don’t forget to talk to him tonight!

    Good for the kitty. I do hope they keep her inside until she becomes a little more world savvy.

  5. Lot’s of entries lately!! Yeah! Scary picture. I kept going back and looking at it.

    Sounds like an exciting prospect for a job. I can’t wait to hear how it works out. What a great compliment to you and your work ethics. Congrats!

    RYC on my diary… luckily my hmo put a little sticker right on my card. I got my tetanus shot 8/3/00 so I think I’m all good on that…but it crossed my mind too!

    Have a great day.


  6. HOORAY for Dekyi finding a good home!!! I’m so pleased.

    I envy you for the concert tickets, wish I could see her live, too!

    And you know, I was hoping you’d say that you might possibly make it to NYC to meet me. I hope you can because I’m dying to meet you. I mention you on pretty much daily basis to my mum because I want to tell her about what you’ve been writing about in your diary and in all honesty, you’ve had quite an impact on my life although it could be hard for you to imagine that. I just didn’t want you to feel like you have to meet me ’cause I want to, you’re only allowed to say you do if you really do :). And I understand it if you can’t make it, sometimes things come up. But it’d be lovely to talk to you. I’m going to one of Tori’s concerts in NYC, too (and two in Chicago! It might be my only chance to see her live so I better stock up!), maybe you’ll want to join me. Maybe not, but hey, I can always ask :).


  7. Re: the job offer. In the past, you’ve worried that if you tried to look for work elsewhere you might have trouble getting it, due to a lack of varied experience in veterinary medicine. Is this job a way to get that experience?

    You have mentioned that it is a job that you must take long-term. They can’t really enforce that, though, can they? I read a statistic a few years ago that the average time a person is in a job is only something like two years. Can they really keep you from leaving if you decide to move in a couple of years?

    Just some thoughts.

  8. Government job…pension, benefits, job security…away from the religious coworkers…politics, other government workers, unions…wow, tough choice.

  9. Great news about Kitty. I was only thinking of her the other day.

    Now I must catch up on all the past updates you have made. Why I start at the end I will never know. Crazy eh?

    Dar?????? You are getting to see her live.I am sooooooo jealous!! At least I can boast of being the only person in this country, that has not just one, but numerous CD’s of her’s, thanks to someone rather special *wink*.

    Love that Dar!!

  10. Uggghhh *slaps forehead* another person I have no clue about. Who is Dar Williams? I feel soooo stupid. I work 70 to 80 hour weeks lately and I hardly ever watch TV. I always wanted to talk (communicate) with my future ex too. He was always either working or sleeping. Kind of difficult to communicate under those circumstances. It is important in a relationship though, on all levels.

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