
I include this brief update because I know there is inherent humor in it, though I myself shall have to wait for the passage of time to find it.

Sunday, I purchased Jelly Belly jelly beans. They were sugar-free, and fit right in with my diet. They’re also quite good. You’d never know they weren’t the real thing. Sunday I had a few, and shared some with the Socialist, who liked all but the licorice.

Last night was The Socialist’s late night. He doesn’t come home until after 10:00 from his night class that he teaches. I was hungry, but planned to eat with him, seeing as how I’d be out of town for the rest of the week. I poured out a handful of Jelly Bellies to shut my stomach up, and started packing.

The Jelly Bellies didn’t last too long. After I packed I hit the computer, armed with a little custard dish filled with the Jelly Bellies. They lasted a little longer, but not much.

I went downstairs to organize a few things, and nailed another handful of Jelly Bellies on the way. After all, zero calories is zero calories. It couldn’t be constituted as a cheat. By then I wasn’t feeling quite right. I put it down to not eating and nervousness about the trip.

By the time The Socialist got home, my intestinal tract was in complete disarray. I’d already voided everything in it through the distal end, and was now running to the bathroom to expel gas and an odd green liquid every fifteen minutes or so. The Socialist went out to Wendy’s and I went to bed. I still had to spring up every so often to eliminate more strange green liquid, though, and did not get a very sound sleep. Especially after about two a.m., when the gas hit in earnest.

I swear I passed enough gas to inflate a small zeppelin. I don’t know where the hell it was coming from, but it just kept coming. It was bad enough at one point that The Little Grey Shit (who usually sleeps right on top of my stomach) vacated the bedroom.

Six in the morning, time to get up, and I was still squirting and farting. Granted, the squirts were far smaller in volume, but the farts were … shall we say “impressive”? Yeah, I know. Let’s not and pretend we did.

I managed to make the 40 minute ride to work without having to stop, but that’s only because I left directly from the bathroom and went directly to another one. During the course of the morning things have quieted down. In terms of states of matter, I had dealt with solid and liquid, and now only had to complete the gaseous portion of our program.

Which I’m continuing to do with amazing stamina.

Turns out the damnable Jelly Bellies are made with Splenda, and I am in the throes of a Splenda overdose. It ain’t pretty.

Pray for whoever has to sit next to me in the plane.

[This has been an update to Salamander’s Diaryah.]

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  1. I’m sorry. I laughed. I could see it coming. Maybe it’s the universe’s way of teaching us portion control. Eat too much of the good stuff and you get fat. Eat too much of the sugar free stuff and well… you know…..


    (who knows from personal experience that eating too many sugar free peanut butter cups is not fun..)

  2. That used to happen to one of my sons, only it was NutraSweet. Only thing is, he could eat one or two little fruit candies and that was it…

    Away he went!

    Zepplin… HA!

  3. I believe I told you about the f*rt brownies at the low-carb store, didn’t I? I always thought it wasn’t the sucralose but the sugar alcohols in the chocolate, though. It always seems low carb chocolate things carry those warnings about excessive consumption causing diarrhea in some people. Maybe your jelly beans had something besides Splenda in them.

  4. Oh, dear. you poor woman. Poor socialist too hee hee.

    Hope you feel better soon. Gas-x is a wonderful thing, as are enzyme pills. I don’t know if the fake sugars are broken down by the enzymes but it works for other things. Have a great trip (inspite of it all)!

  5. OMG lol… I tried so very hard not to laugh, but well……………….I can’t help myself. I hope all went well on the plane. WHEW, that is awful………..but I can’t stop laughing.

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