The Cat and The Desk Chair

Things I have recently begun to wonder about:

1. Why does The Cat always settle down for a nap directly behind The Human’s rolling desk chair?

2. Why, when The Cat settles down behind the aforementioned chair, does The Human never notice The Cat is there until impact?

3. Why does The Cat always act surprised and affronted post-impact, as though it were the first time it had ever creamed by a rolling desk chair and The Human must have aimed on purpose?

No, the chapter isn’t completed. The Professor surprised me by staying awake this morning after I woke. We went out and grabbed breakfast, returned and played Trivial Pursuit until he started to get sleepy about an hour ago. When he went to bed, he still needed a sports wedgie, and I had all the wedgies but can’t win the game because he keeps giving me sports questions. Another sign of compatibility; he and I both are clueless when it comes to sports. I figure I have twice the chance of winning at this point, since he will need to answer two sports questions correctly to win, while I only need to answer one correctly.

So, I played Trivial Pursuit and had breakfast out during the four hours I had reserved for writing this morning. I’m not sure the chapter would have been completed anyhow, since I just stripped out half of it last night to rearrange the order of presentation. Clarity, clarity, clarity. At least I’ve started, though, so I’m further ahead than when I dared to start last week. And The Professor is now fast asleep, so I have no excuse not to spend an hour or two at the writing now.

4. Shit! Why does the Human never learn that The Cat is going to be sleeping directly behind the desk chair?

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  1. HAHAHAHA!!! Gotta love cats. My cat Magick always I mean ALWAYS does that. Dont you think that is completly annoying though. Thats why I always check to make sure the cat isnt behind me, or I move the chair to the side and get up that way.

    Thats good you have attempted writing more of your chapter. Thats good good. Anyway, I hope you have a good day celebrating your birthday with your friends and stuff.


    ~Love, Alaina

  2. Hey, if it’s your birthday, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! If it’s not, ignore me, i’ma rambling fool.

    Cats! Yes! Gotta love ’em. My Daisy is exactly like that. She likes to walk in such close proximity to my steps that i almost always end up kicking her…then she gives me this look…sheesh…

    Sports wedgie!! Until i realized what you were talking about, i had an awful (albeit amusing) picture in my head!

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