Leases, movies, and lost/found.

Cats do care. For example they know instinctively what time we have to be at work in the morning and they wake us up twenty minutes before the alarm goes off.”

-Michael Nelson

I want to trade cats with Michael Nelson. Clueless and ADfH prefer to warn me about an hour in advance that the alarm will be going off.

We signed the lease Saturday. The unit we’ll be taking is nicely placed. It’s near the woods, with a raised patio shaded by a tall maple. It has lots of hooks for hanging plants. The garden area is weeded, but not planted, which should make it easy for me to put in a few things of my own. We only get one reserved parking spot, but there are a fair number of open spots nearby, and I’ll be happy to give the reserved spot (right outside our door) to the Prof for his use.

After lease signing we went to a nearby cinema and saw “Sum of All Fears”. Morgan Freeman was, as always, wonderful. Ben Affleck wasn’t nearly as annoying as he’s capable of being. I hadn’t read the Clancey book, so I didn’t know the plotline in advance; this kept me on the edge for nearly the entire movie. The special effects were exceptionally well done. It was definitely worth the price of a matinee admission.

We also rented Harry Potter over the weekend. We’d already seen it in the theater, but it was a nice, brainless romp for an easy weekend evening. I still don’t really “get” the Harry Potter craze; I’ve read all the books and they were good, but I wouldn’t have thought they were “cult status” caliber. Still, as everybody hastens to remind me when I say this, “anything that gets kids to read is a good thing.” Can’t argue with the results.

Sunday was far less productive. My original plans were to hit the zoo to complete a quiz I need to hand in to reactivate my volunteer status. I went down with The Prof and my friend Twenty-one. Twenty-one and I went through vet school together; she saved me from being the oldest one in our class by a few months. She takes in cats that no one else can/will adopt and is responsible for my acquiring the ACfH. Anyhow, I ended up misplacing her about fifteen minutes into our visit, so I just sat tight in the last place I saw her. The Prof stayed with me for the first hour, but neither one of us saw the point of both of us sitting there worrying what happened to Twenty-one, so he went off to take in the zoo while I waited. After a little over another hour, Twenty-one showed up, but it was close to closing time at that point and I got precious little of my quiz completed. Guess I’ll just have to go down again next weekend. Hard to get upset about that.

I made an interesting discovery about myself over the weekend. When the time comes, I may well be interested in marrying again. Not now, and not in the immediate future. But someday. I’m discovering that perhaps it is possible to completely share my life and thoughts with someone. I’m finding out that sometimes one plus one is greater than two.

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  1. My girls lovvvvvvve ‘Harry Potter’!! They listen every night in bed to ….the books on tapes. They have the ‘harry potter’ brooms (with sound) and sometimes I can hear them flying around outside. Dad bought them the DVD over the weekend. Twinnie’s come home from their trip today.

  2. Well that’s a pretty interesting revelation! Sounds like you and the prof had some really good heart to hearts and really connected. I’m very happy for you. Marriage may still not be in your thoughts, but often I think that the whole marriage thing is often more for others than for ourselves. Who knows… I’m still pondering that one myself. Your apartment sounds very nice and I bet you cannot wait! 🙂 Love ya, Jen

  3. *~Salamander~*

    The Zoo is a WONDERFUL place to go,lol.

    Cats, ahhh yes cats. The other white meat…

    LOL, I’m just joshin’ with ya. It’s a joke that goes on, we have 3 in fact. A Calico, a black cat and our eldest,the grey one. Cherish, Magick and Shadow…yup…

    I’m lad you got that house, the plans look absolutly marvelous! Hope all goes well in that and get TONSof plants,lol. They have good fuing sheui (sp?)

    Anyways…marriage. The one thing I AM scared of, but I’m sure it’s not as bad as it seems. As long as you can work things out with the people around you and be open enough to have a commitment and have the usual thing that go on between couples.

    Although, being alone is sometimes good, but I’v learned, that being alone can always bring joy, but two together brings more than just joy, it brings love.


  4. Re: the marriage thing, when and if it’s right for you, hope it happens. I like being married. As Martha Stewart would say, it’s a good thing. 🙂 (That said, I didn’t feel that way my first run through. It was a not good thing.)

    Re: HarryPotter. I invite you to look at Britney Spears. Then ask yourself: what sort of quality is necessary to make a youth craze? Britney Spears is quite pleasant, I’m sure. I’m sure she’s enjoyable. So are the Potter books. But I have to say that if it’s a matter of magic books for kids becoming megasellers, I’d so much rather see Diane Duane hitting the big time. Have you read "So You Wanna Be a Wizard"? Good YA fiction there. Book 2, "Deep Magic," is actually pretty moving, if a bit predictable to adult eyes.

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