On the schedule

Big City Hospital called me at about 3:30 this afternoon. As I may have previously related, I was expecting a call between 3:00 and 5:00 this afternoon to let me know when tomorrow I was scheduled for surgery. I was told I could be asked to report to the hospital any time between 5:45 am and 6:00 pm.

All things being equal, I was expecting to be scheduled earlier in the day than later. In fact, I figured that the most awkward time possible would be the one I was given, so I had all but penciled in 8:30 am on my calendar already. That would have ensured the maximum rush hour traffic along with the shift change at the hospital, making the parking garage a disaster zone.

I was wrong.

I have to be at the hospital at 5:30 PM. By that point I will have gone at least 18 hours without eating or drinking anything. I’ll get to deal with afternoon rush hour instead of evening rush hour. I’ll have my surgery tomorrow night, and then get kicked out of the hospital the next morning. And, to ice my cake, I get to all day to look forward to this little event.

Oh well. Forty-eight hours and I’ll be back home and this will all be over with.

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  1. I’m sorry you have to deal with that. Surgery is bad enough but the way they schedule them these days is just WRONG on so many levels.

    I wish you the very best of luck and am awaiting an entry that says your done and everything is OK.

    I’d hug you but neither of us really like that sort of thing….

  2. At least they let you have "just enough" liquids to take medications and brush your teeth. While I understand the reasons, I don’t know that I could go all day without a tiny sip of water. Hopefully the 48hrs will go by quickly.

  3. Good luck! My thoughts will be with you. If any weird allergy/drug reaction or other strangeness occurs and you don’t get to come home for a few days would you please have the Prof update us? Just in case, I mean. I don’t mean to sound negative at all, but you know how odd medical stuff happens to you.

  4. RYC: You made me make the funniest dorky laughing sound. (Your comment about the cat.)

    Good luck to you today, and please accept my sympathy at the fasting.

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