Prayer Chains and Sins of Omission

*sigh* One of the Chaplains from work called me again today. They’ve called once or twice a week since all this started. It makes me feel like a wretched liar, talking to them. Once again I was informed that everybody was praying for me. They keep asking if I want them to come out so that we can have a prayer meeting in my home. I thank them kindly for their prayers, and tell them I have people looking out for my spiritual life at home, but I appreciate the offer. I can’t help but wonder what they’d think if they realized that my idea of spiritual renewal was listening to the blue jays as I tediously weed the garden out front.

As I’ve said before, contrary to popular belief, there are atheists in the foxholes. They have just learned to keep their mouths shut so that the Believers don’t get all bent out of shape over them.

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  1. I’m sure the Chaplains have heard it all before, and from people who are not nearly so concerned about their (the Chaplains’) feelings as you seem to be.

    Why not tell them you’d prefer that they not contact you anymore?

  2. I love listening to the bluejays, too. Nothing like being surrounded by nature! I love escaping to the woods and leaving all the pushy folk behind…Hang in there. My thoughts are with you.


  3. I love listening to the bluejays, too. Nothing like being surrounded by nature! I love escaping to the woods and leaving all the pushy folk behind…Hang in there. My thoughts are with you.


  4. Your beliefs are your own. i feel bad that anyone is causing you some stress over it. i like what you said about the blue jay. It’s a reminder of the simple things.

    Prayers and vibes aside, just know that we’re all thinking of you.

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