Today’s Featured Turkeys.

The O’Beast has taken to sleeping in a new spot,

since Cattitude and Kitten have taken over the cat beds.

I have to say that he is at least creative in his

sleeping arrangements.

Cattitude’s small infection in her nether regions from about a month ago

cleared up nicely. During the healing process she was forced to wear

what The Socialist referred to as her “Cone of Silence”.

I assure you, the cone really wasn’t all that silent. During this period,

Cattitude took to sulking at the window. I think she thought

the slats hid the millstone around her neck.

Cattitude’s “Cone of Silence” really was rather oversized for her.

I have no idea why our vet decided to give her the rottweiler version.

Second thought, maybe I do have some idea. Anyhow, it was so large

we had to make some arrangements so that she could eat and drink while

wearing this monstrosity. Kitten was fascinated by the high rise feeding

strategy, and took more opportunities to play with it than Cattitude did.

What is fast becoming a typical end-of-day shot, with O’Beast and Kitten

deigning to share the back of the same sofa. Actually, it is Kitten

who deigns to share the back of her sofa; O’Beast actively seeks her out

like a younger brother who needs to make sure his little sister is OK.

Little Sister is usually just fine, thank-you very much,

and this pleasant scene usually degrades to

feline fisticuffs within fifteen minutes or so.

Have a good Turkey Day, all out there that are celebrating it. And a good normal day to the rest of you!

Power corrupts. Absolute power is kind of neat.

— John Lehman, Secretary of the Navy, 1981-1987

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  1. That collar is too much. No way for kitty to lick, chew, or scratch anything with that on.

    Very clever with the elevated food and water dishes.

    I see your brain is working fine =)

    Hope your day was as good as it could be considering the diet you’re on.


  2. Is that water all over the floor?? LOL

    At least you could have made it interesting and stuffed a goldfish in that jug!!

    Hope you are right, hope the mammogram is all just a false alarm.


    power to the goldfish!

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