A New Record

I feel pretty lousy at the moment. I’m just back from getting the paracentesis done, and my abdoment is very crampy and sensitive. Today we broke my all-time high, set two and a half weeks ago at 8.125 liters. Today we drained 9.4 liters off of me. Let’s see – 9.4 liters is approximately 9.4 kilograms … multipy by 2.2 and we get slightly over twenty and a half pounds instant weight loss today. That’s why I’m so uncomfortable now. My organs were all pushed out of place by the fluid, and they’re slowly easing themselves back into position. I must say that I liked the earlier abdominal taps much better, when they drained off five liters and I felt I could take on the world afterwards.

We’ve now moved me to a scheduled paracentesis every two weeks. And my doctor wants me to get him the paperwork for putting me on disability. And he suggests I get a handicapped license plate, which he’ll sign off on the paperwork for. He told me that he anticipated that I’d be getting a new liver soon now. I don’t know if that’s “morale talk” or if he really thinks things will move that quickly. I guess I can only hope. There’s still a few things I wanted to have done before my new liver arrived, so I’d better get my rear in gear. I guess the most important thing is a “contact list”, so that everybody who needs to know finds out when I am hospitalized. I am planning on taking my Notify List emails and giving them to The Socialist so he can do a mass mailing to my friends in DD. If you read this but prefer not to be on the Notify List and want to be included on my list to The Socialist, let me know and I’ll tack your email onto the list.

I’m going to try and get my taxes done this weekend. I don’t want that paperwork hanging over my head, and I’d prefer not to have to trust to someone else to file an extension for me, should that become necessary. I’m lucky that the last piece of information I need to do the taxes came in today’s mail.

I didn’t sleep well last night … I think I’ll cut this short and see if I can’t nap a bit. i suspect Kitten might like that too, seeing as how I’ve had to knock her off my lap three times now while trying to type this. She should make a good heating pad.

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