The new place.

A separate bathroom to lock each cat into when they get out of hand. A walk-in closet. Large storage area. A private entrance. MY OWN WASHER AND DRYER! Is this not beautiful to behold?

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  1. I used to have a friend who would go looking for baby birds every spring then raise them. She could never understand why they would get caught by a cat as soon as she released them. She finally figured it all out and just left them be!


  2. The Picture of Dorian Gray, I haven’t seen that movie in so long it would be new to me.

    I love old movies. I just rented ”The Quiet Man” (John Wayne, MaureenO’Hara)

    ”Leave Her to Heaven”

    and ”Laura”

    *munches popcorn*

    VCR…great invention =)

  3. congratulations on the apartment, sal!! the bird story was oddly amusing. i remember poking a fat bird with a stick as a child because it wasn’t flying or reacting to our presence (though it was alive. seemed to just be chilling) i don’t remember it screaming, though. it might have been in the same situation.

  4. There was a band back home called Dorion Gray.

    I can’t remember if they were any good… I’m sure the movie is better! 🙂

  5. I love how you know the name of plants! I need to buy gardening for dummies, if there is such a thing. I feel so inept when people start talking plants.


  6. *~Salamander~*

    Awwwww, I would’ve done the same thign your sister did,lol. Poor baby bird!! LoL…

    Nice house, looks spacious, big, whoooo!! I cant wait to get a place of my own. Now I know I’ll regret saying that when I do,lol!


  7. Wow, look at all that room! The layout looks really nice. Our family of five went from 800 square feet to 1800 sq feet five years ago. It was great to stretch out, only problem was that we did not have enough furniture to spread out with us.

  8. It is a beautiful thing. I don’t believe I could ever go back to communal laundry. It’s so much easier to toss it in and forget it in the dryer for a day or two….

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